Zohar La Shekhina ne se révéle que chez celui qui est méritant Lekh Lekha 5 R. Raphael Afilalo 663 Videos 0% 0 Views 0 Likes By R. Raphael Afilalo http://www.kabbalahvideos.com Rabbi Raphael Afilalo translates and explains Zohar texts, also Kabbalah and Zohar concepts are explained. Show more You might be interested in Zohar Mon ame je te la confie cette nuit Lekh Lekha 4 R. Raphael Afilalo December 22, 2016 Zohar – Il raprocha Israel de H’ R. Raphael Afilalo December 22, 2016 Zohar – Ecoutez, vous au cœur dur R. Raphael Afilalo December 22, 2016